Our Mission:

Bringing people together to overcome injustice.

Our Vision:

We see potential outworked; We see dignity restored; We see hope established.

Our Values:

We will love across divides; We will seek justice and establish truth;

We will stand in courage and dare to be different; We will learn from others.



Thankyou for popping by to look at sturr.org 

At the moment we are constructing a new website and it will be live very soon.



We are sincere in our love of justice and our hatred of injustice and we will do all we can and go wherever we can to make a difference.




We are about synergy, where the outcomes of us working with others has a far reaching, long lasting significance, much more than anything we could do on our own.




We are sensitive to culture, observe, listen and learn and, we want to build meaningful connections for far reaching, longer lasting impact.